Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway (CPIP)

This training course is for occupational therapists who work in a service that is prepared to establish the OT CPIP surveillance protocol.
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Date : 25 October 2024     |      Location : London      |       Cost : £105     |      Time : 10:00 - 16:00 hrs

Who is this course is for

This training course is for occupational therapists who work in a service that is ready to establish the OT CPIP surveillance protocol. Participants will need a basic understanding of how to use a goniometer. Following completion of this training, the participant’s service will be able to access the OT CPIP assessment on the CPIP management system.

What is OT CPIP?

The goal of OT CPIP is to maximise the participation in occupations of children and young people (CYP) with cerebral palsy by regularly reviewing their activity and function using standardised outcome measures. The assessment considers CYP's current occupational performance profile; person centred goals and the impact of tone and/or spasticity on hand & upper limb function and the importance of early detection and intervention of these changes. The CPIP protocol involves twice yearly assessments with younger children and annual assessments with older children.

OT CPIP assessment has been in place in NHS Lanarkshire since 2015 and NHS GG&C since 2016. In that time, we have seen improved consistency of access to evidence-based pathways for children across both health boards. OTs involved in the surveillance programme have improved their understanding of cerebral palsy and the impact of spasticity and dystonia on hand use and participation in occupations. We have improved the communication between community therapists and acute colleagues, ensuring that referrals for Botox and other tone management interventions are led by child centred, occupation-based goals.

Presented by

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Tahnee Conn trained as an occupational therapist at the University of Sydney and has since worked as a community based, paediatric Occupational Therapist in Australia and Scotland for more than 20 years. She is the Occupational Therapy Advanced Practitioner, specialising in neurodisability, for the community OTs across NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. A key part of this role has been to achieve equity of access to OT assessment and intervention for children with cerebral palsy across the health board and to improve the pathway between acute and community services, this has led to the implementation of OT CPIPS across the health board.

Heather MacIntosh trained as an Occupational Therapist at Queen Margeret University, Edinburgh and has worked as an Occupational Therapist for more than 20 years most of these within NHS Lanarkshire Children and Young People service. She has specialised in early intervention in Neurodisability, especially within the area of cerebral Palsy focusing on upper limb therapy, Botox intervention as an adjunct and upper limb splinting.

A key interest in upper limb CPIP surveillance to enable occupation and improve access to services has led to development of the system within Lanarkshire and subsequent National rollout

Dates, Times & Location

25 October 2024; 10:00 - 16:00 hrs.

Location: Whittington Education Centre, A1 & A2 Ground Floor, Highgate Hill, London N19 5NF.

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Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway (CPIP) for Occupational Therapists

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